Track registration and predict EV adoption for every neighbourhood
EVTrends uses detailed, quarterly registration data for electric, plug-in and hybrid vehicles to track recent sales and predict where the market is going as consumer adoption and incentives change. EVTrends provides a detailed, historic view for two years of registrations, by make, model and segment every quarter. In addition, EA’s expert modellers update five predictive adoption scores in each quarterly release, covering the Premium and Standard model segments, and the Full Electric, Plug-in Hybrid and Gasoline Hybrid fuel type segments.
Available as a flat file and within ENVISION, EVTrends meshes easily within the EA data and analytics ecosystem. When used with your own data, and with our other databases such as PRIZM®, AutoView, ClickScapes, SocialValues and media preferences from our Opticks suite, EVTrends provides a complete view of buyers and intenders to super-charge your analysis and communications.
Track EV Market Dynamics
Lower Communication Costs
Target messages to the right neighbourhoods to keep your communications efficient
Get Ahead of the Market
Send inventory, offer subsidies, build charging stations and upgrade power supply at the right time, in the right place
Want to learn more about EVTrends?
The most comprehensive EV data toolkit in Canada
Which models or segments are gaining volume and share in my territory?
Which postal codes have more full electric intenders?
Where are the best locations to install charging stations?
Where do I offer incentives, or promote residential service upgrades?
Where will I next see added load on the electric grid?
More Data to Choose From
Enhance your data with our privacy-compliant, authoritative databases. Choose from over 60 databases including financial, demographic, segmentation and behavioural data.
PRIZM® segmentation classifies Canadians into 67 unique lifestyle types to help you better analyze and understand your prospects and customers.
Understand the competitive automotive landscape through tracking new vehicle registrations and total vehicles in operation that have been provincially registered.
Behavioural Data
Understand the behaviours, preferences and attitudes of your target market, from media and shopping habits to attitudes on charitable giving and the environment.
Understand your customers’ mindset, learn what matters to them most and see how it affects their purchase decisions.
Industry Insights and Trends
Our industry experts publish timely analysis of behavioural data, opinions on industry trends and insights on how organizations are embracing big data and analytics to help you stay informed.
Measuring Dealership Foot Traffic
See how mobile movement data can be used to better understand your dealership traffic and that of competitors.
Automotive Expertise
Our industry experts can help you navigate the increasingly competitive automotive marketplace and build customer satisfaction, loyalty and advocacy.
Accelerating the Shift to Electric Vehicles
Access an overview of the EV market in Canada, how Canadians are responding and how EVs will impact organizations as we move toward a future with green energy.
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Register for upcoming webinars or view previous presentations and recordings.
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