Insights to understand the competitive automotive landscape
Experian Automotive is a global leader in data intelligence and is transforming the way the automotive industry uses auto data to drive insights. Detailed data provide more options for analysis and offer a better understanding of the very competitive automotive landscape.
In partnership with Experian, we have created two new databases:
- AutoView - NVR tracks new vehicle registrations. This database contains 492 variables, which include category classifications that simplify navigating new vehicle registrations.
- AutoView - TVIO tracks total vehicles in operation that have been provincially registered. The TVIO database contains 816 variables, which include category classifications that make it easy to navigate the total vehicles in operation.
These databases provide detailed vehicle information down to the dissemination area (DA) level, and profiles can be created by combining DA-level AutoView data with PRIZM segments. By examining the complete universe of vehicles operating in an area, users can gain valuable insights to determine everything about the size and composition of the market opportunity.
Want to know more about AutoView?
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What is in AutoView - NVR?
The NVR database includes 492 variables which include category classifications that make it easy to navigate the new vehicle registrations:
- Vehicle Category – base categorizations for the make-and-models (e.g., passenger car – domestic, or light truck - import)
- Segment Group – totals for NVR segments (e.g., “Total SUV – domestic”)
- Segment – NVR defined vehicle groupings (e.g., “Alt power – electric truck – domestic”, or “Sport car – premium – import”)
- Fuel type – seven different fuel types ranging from diesel to electric
- Make-and-Model – over 340 vehicle models captured
What is in AutoView - TVIO?
The TVIO database includes 816 variables which include category classifications that make it easy to navigate the total vehicles in operation:
- Vehicle Category – base categorizations for the make-and-models (e.g., passenger car – domestic, or light truck - import)
- Segment Group – totals for TVIO segments (e.g., “Total SUV – domestic”)
- Segment – TVIO defined vehicle groupings (e.g., “Alt power – electric truck – domestic”, or “Sport car – premium – import”)
- Fuel type – seven different fuel types ranging from diesel to electric
- Model year – 15 vehicle years from 2007 to 2021, plus 2006 and before
- Make-and-Model – over 640 vehicle models captured
Understand the competitive automotive landscape
Answer pressing questions like:
- What PRIZM segments are most likely to own a Compact SUV?
- How do my sales compare to the market in the past year?
- What does vehicle ownership look like at different geographic levels?
- Which Dealers areas have the highest ownership rates for Electric Cars?
- Which municipalities have the highest number of registrations of full size, domestic pickup trucks?
Find more information about AutoView including metadata and release notes on our community website.
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Automotive Expertise
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Accelerating the Shift to Electric Vehicles
Access an overview of the EV market in Canada, how Canadians are responding and how EVs will impact organizations as we move toward a future with green energy.
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